All this going on within me, and yet I seem to see it outside. Is the world inside me? Engulfed by my body? When did that happen?
I saw images flickering on the screens and I caught only a glimpse of them, thinking: Suppose this time I see what he saw.
Choreographer: Ina Christel Johannessen
Dancers: Marianne Albers, Line Tørmoen, Cecilie Lindeman Steen, Gaute Grimeland, Terje Tjøme Mossige, Christopher Arouni
Composer: Christoph deBabalon
Set and light design: Jens Sethzman
Costumes: Kathrine Tolo
Photo: Erik Berg
Produced by: zero visibility corp.
Production manager: Cathe Sjøblom
Co-producers: Carte Blanche (Norway)
Supported by: Norwegian Council for Cultural Affairs
Premiered 2000